GOUSA - Recent News

Monday, August 18, 2008

Cosmopolitan Free-masonry Comes To Mobile

Mobile Alabama is growing in more way than one. Over the past few years Mobile has seen a tremendous growth spurt because of many seaport endeavors moving here after their access was destroyed in other locations by the Hurricanes. The health care industry is growing as many of the "Baby Boomer" generation, who retired here, are beginning to need more medical services. Let's not forget the prettiest "white" sand beaches anywhere in the world.

But, what sets Mobile apart from many of the other cities today is the emergence of a little known fraternity, cosmopolitan Free-masonry. For those not aware of the history of cosmopolitan Free-masonry, we suggest you do a search on it. It differs in many ways, and similar at the same time to what most Americans understand Freemasonry to be. One of the largest differences is the lack of discrimination between the races, as cosmopolitan Free-masonry does not dictate which lodge you can join, solely based on the color of your skin. While it still is a male only organization it further differentiates itself from classical Freemasonry by recognizing female masons from other obediences as "Brothers".

Don't get the wrong impression though this is NOT your fathers Freemasonry, it is your Great Great Great Great Grandfathers Freemasonry. The rigors of initiation are long and the background checks are extensive and all encompassing. For the new candidate there is required study material that you must first overcome, followed by convincing the other Master Masons of your knowledge in written form. If you make it this far the rest of the process just gets harder as you must also convince the other Master Masons you truly belong among the elite few who have what it takes to make real change.

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Regulus Lodge (Traingle) is located in Mobile, Alabama and a member of the Grand Orient USA. For more information on how you can become a member email: reguluslodge [at] gmail.com.